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PostHeaderIcon "Kayaks of Greenland" Book available

A few copies of Harvey Golden’s “Kayaks of Greenland” book have landed in Wales. As far as I know Cackle TV is the only company selling this book in the UK. We’ll be selling them for £35 each ( the retail price is $69 in the US ). Unfortunately it’s a big heavy book ( almost 2 kilos of pure quality! ), which I think will cost £4.78 to post by parcel post within the UK, and more within Europe. I’m happy to post them to anyone if they are prepared to pay the postage on top of this.

I will take some to the Fort William Film Festival with me this weekend, and take some to the Outdoor Show in Birmingham in March, so if you would like one without paying the postage then please come and find me!!

For more info on the book, see

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