New Zealand final preparations and thanks
It’s my penultimate evening in Whistler, my legs feel heavy after 15 days of exercise in a row -14 of skiing and a ‘day off’ where we climbed up a mountain in Squamish! I have one more days skiing to go before I fly back to the UK for a 36 hour visit, then another plane ride to Christchurch.
With that schedule, you’d hope Barry and I are pretty organised for our big New Zealand adventure. We’re getting there and most things are coming together. I mostly packed before I came skiing and I’m trying to minimise the loose ends I’ll have to deal with when I get home. I’d like to say thanks to a few people who have helped a lot with our expedition, but who I haven’t yet mentioned. So many people have helped us to make this trip possible and saved us time, money and stress and we’re only ready to go because of them.
Thank you very much to Susanna Gaynor, a friendly doctor in Dublin and a fellow seakayaker who has supplied us with a first aid kit for the expedition. After I attended a Wilderness First Responder course, I came up with a long list of medical equipment – Susanna politely pointed out where I was being over-zealous and supplied the rest of the kit free-of-charge. She’s about to go on an adventure of her own to Antarcitca, which you can follow here.
Another seakaayking doctor, Bob Mark has offered to be our emergency contact if we need medical advice. Thanks to him. FINALLY WE CAN SEE!
Thanks a lot to Sid Stone, a sea kayaker from New York who has paddled with Barry at several symposiums and who is a fan of my DVDs. He has very generously donated US $500 to the expedition, which we have used to buy our insurance cover.
Thanks to Nando Zucci at Johnson Outdoors who came up to Whistler for a day skiing and brought me a Predator helmet from their store to replace my old helmet as the lining and foam has fallen apart in it.
Thanks to Karel Vissel from Israel who will be sending us a daily weather forecast and outlook on our satellite phone. He has done a similar thing for other expeditions including Freya’s recent circumnavigation of the South island so he knows the most reliable sources of forecasts. This information will be incredibly useful to us in planning when to paddle and when to stay put. Check out Karel’s blog here.
Thanks to Alex Tearse, a paddler from Lewis in the Outer Hebrides who we met at their ‘Storm Gathering’ last October and who has agreed to update our blog every day on our expedition. He works for a web company in Stornoway and has a distinctive boat with an inscription underneath which reads “P.T.O”. Look out for it featured in “This is the Sea 4”. Check out his website at BRYAN, LISE-ANNE, ME AND MY DAD
Our kayaks are still in Auckland at the moment but Kev from “Canoe & Outdoor World” in Christchurch has offered to sponsor their transport down to Christchurch. In his last email he told me exactly what I wanted to hear, “Don’t worry, your kayaks will be here before you are!” A huge thanks to him for sorting out the biggest outstanding problem! His shop ( known as COW to its friends) has also offered to lend us flares and pumps for the expedition. We hope to return the flares un-opened!! Check out his website at,
I’m using a new waterproof minicam for this trip which is a little scary, but my friend Chris Fenton at “Dream Team TV” has worked some magic and made me a new system based on a set-up that he’s designed for filming powerboating for Channel 4. I’ve seen some of his footage of high speed crashes so hopefully if he can make a camera continue filming in those conditions then it should cope with the NZ surf! Chris worked hard over the festive season to solve several technical problems so I’m very grateful to him and I promise to work extra hard if he employs me filming more adventure races next year!
Clive Hartfall has given my suction pad and pole system which I use to mount the camera a new lease of life by replacing and cleaning parts and making the set up a little more simple.
Lots of sponsors have given generously for this trip – The North Face have given money, clothing and a Mountain25 tent which we are very grateful for. A huge thanks also to Nigel Dennis Kayaks, Lendal paddles, Kokatat and Reed clothing, Casio watches, MSR stoves, pans and water containers, Sealine drybags, Thermarest, Silva compasses, Garmin GPSs, Native eyewear, ICOM VHFs and Sanoodi – the mapping website who have provided us with a sat phone and logistical support so we can bring you tracking of our expedition. Much of the kit is already in the kayaks or waiting to travel to NZ with us. The sunglasses and VHF radios are due to arrive in NZ very soon! THE GANG ON TOP OF THE SQUAMISH CHIEF
Thanks to all the Kiwis who have offered support for the expedition. Paul Caffyn of course, who showed us all the way and who I confided in 2 years ago about my dream to paddle around the South island. Paul has always been encouraging and helpful (and usually a bit rude!). Thanks to Susan Cade who sourced a DVD of South island maps and an NZ pilot for us ( and hasn’t complained that we haven’t yet paid her back!). JKA has given advice and a few other people we have never met have emailed with offers of showers and shelter when we pass. Barry’s friends Ian and Gail Smith are putting us up in Christchurch when we arrive and lending us their car so we can do our food shopping and pick up other bits and pieces.
Many other friends have given advice or encouragement – Chris Duff, Rowland Woollven, Jim Krawiecki, Derrick Mayoleth, Shawna & Leon at Body Boat Blade, Jeff & Anne at Kari-tek, Ian Lockyer at Johnson Outdoors in NZ and many others. Phil Clegg had the foresight to thrust a minature bottle of whiskey into our hands before he set off to paddle around Madagascar about 3 months ago. It all means a lot to us!
Finally, thanks a lot to Barry for arranging things at home while I’m off on holiday, and to add insult to injury for offering to pick me up from the airport when I get home on Sunday! I’ll try to be a good expedition partner to make up for it!
The photos are of Whistler and one of Barry! Not that relevant to the trip, but it’s where I am!
Hope you have great fun, it’s a lovely corner of the world.
Mark Rainsley
Hello Christine, have a great trip! Please also pass my regards to Barry. Me? I’m heading off down the Clyde again! But I am not complaining!
I like the way you are writing the post.I really appreciate your work .This is really an awesome work .just try to make it more lively .
Justine it was great to spend time with you skiing and around the rest of our neck of the woods. We’ll be thinking of you for the next few months, sending you lots of strength and courage -not that you need ours, you got plenty! xox lise-anne and bryan.
Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes!
Justine and Barry