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PostHeaderIcon Day 4 part two – almost a washout

Had a nice rest day, slept and ate lots. Richie the fisherman generously donated some smoke eel. Last night a wave hit the tent! Luckily the inside stayed dry and the tent was hurriedly moved. Then heads down for an early night in anticipation of pressing on in the morning.

[alex on behalf of jc]

2 Responses to “Day 4 part two – almost a washout”

  • the old folks at home says:

    Good old Richie, hope the eels help you with your 100km but seems a bit much to expect, anyway it would be lovely to arrive in Tamaru Harbour. Perhaps more fish?
    Good Luck
    The Old Folk xx

  • derrick says:

    yikes guys! Set up a tad close to the water??