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PostHeaderIcon Day 5 – A boring beach?

S44°05.45' E171°42.67'

A tiring 8.5 hour slog saw progress of 55km. Precise timing required on both launch and landing through the tricky surf. The day ended on a long and boring beach! Aiming for Timaru tomorrow.

[alex on behalf of jc]

3 Responses to “Day 5 – A boring beach?”

  • the old folks at home says:

    Never mind, you cannot win them all. 55km seems pretty good to us, didn’t expect you to do 100 as you had hoped for. Anyway you’ve got fish to look forward to tomorrow in Tamaru Harbour.
    Love from the old folks xx

  • Kristen says:

    No such thing as a long and boring beach in NZ! How many folks in the world would die for a bit of solitude on a teacup of sand.

  • Natasha says:

    Good Luck Justine! We will be watching your progress and wishing you all the best. Enjoy the summer weather and may the swells from the southern ocean be gentle on you! All the best from Natasha and Paul, Auckland, NZ.