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PostHeaderIcon Day 7 – Turns into epic battle to reach shelter

S44°42.74' E171°10.01'

After 5 hours of total calm, the wind suddenly blew up to force 7 right on the nose. Had to battle the last 3km to reach shelter. Covered 42km total, and now resting in the tent, in the rain.

[alex on behalf of jc]

2 Responses to “Day 7 – Turns into epic battle to reach shelter”

  • Michael says:

    Keep your spirits up! Both the ‘girls’ found this stretch tough going as well, but I’m sure you two are up to the challenge!

  • Tom says:

    After a tough day’s paddle you could get your strength back with a Wallaby pie, which is the local specialty in Waimate (it looks as if that’s more or less where you are).