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PostHeaderIcon Trespassing in the dark

S41°02.39' E174°16.70'

Near Cape Jackson 73km on. Tide reached 9 knots at French Pass! We had 90 minutes lunch stop at French Pass for ice cream (first day we landed for lunch since day 2! ). The tide was with us lots but the wind and tide were against us around the cape. We only had 50 minutes of light left when we finally found a place to land. We were cooking in the dark when we were told off for being on private land. We’ve made friends now though!

[alex on behalf of jc]

4 Responses to “Trespassing in the dark”

  • Anonymous says:

    Justine & Barry – you’re approacing the homestretch! Been following you each day; great trip with many fond memories so far. Can’t wait to hear the details & see the pix/video. Best wishes, Ed (Virginia Sea Kayak Center, USA)

  • Michael says:

    Some ‘friends’ can be harder to make than others! 😉 Enjoy rounding the last corner and heading south again.

  • Ken Tappen says:

    Barry and Justine,

    I’ve been following your adventures the entire way. Congrats on your progress and wishing you a safe journey for the remainder of your trip!

    Ken Tappen

  • Dave says:

    Justine and Barry good to hear French Pass went smoothly and progress is going well. The large fish that followed you was probably a king fish? Great to eat but would of had your kayak planing if you’d hooked it!

    Tory Channel or Cape Koamaru next?
    The weather should be on your side with light ENE.

    Homeward bound!

    Best wishes from Daisy, Alice and Dave