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PostHeaderIcon Filming Evolution

Technology is moving so quickly these days with high quality video cameras becoming smaller and cheaper. I’ve been spending quite a lot of time lately trying to adapt my filming techniques to make the most of these advances and to create a camera mount which will sit on a canoe, as opposed to a seakayak. My canoeing DVD, and future DVDs will all be shot entirely in widescreen High Definition which means that the minicam system I was using with a pencil-cam on a pole is OUT! That system is 4×3 and standard definition. Plus I can’t use the suction mount that has been fantastic for me on my seakayak because there isn’t a suitable flat surface on most canoes.

So I’ve bought a couple of new cameras and I’ve been working with Barry and a local whizz, Clive Hartfall to make a mount. The results can be seen in the pictures. We have 1 mount which can hold 3 different camcorders, depending on which is the most suitable for what I’m trying to film. The largest is the Sony HC3 which sits in the big clear waterproof housing. With a wide angle lens, this is the best quality footage, but it’s also heavy and bulky! The yellow camera is a waterproof and High Definition camera from Sanyo. Its not full HD but the picture quality is very impressive. I can check what I’m filming by looking in the screen and delete clips that I don’t want, but the downside is that the camera is not very wideangle. The tiny black camera is designed as a helmet-mounted camera, the Contour HD camera – this is full high definition and very widescreen but the camera isn’t waterproof which could be a bit of an issue!! And you can’t check the image before you start recording or play back your footage to check you haven’t just filmed 10 minutes of the sky! So all 3 cameras have plus points, but none are perfect!! The challenge now is to get good at playing to their strengths & getting some fantastic canoeing shots!! I fly to America and then Canada next Tuesday for 3 weeks of filming and canoeing.


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