Back in the saddle
I’m back in a seakayak after 6 weeks of doing lots of other fun things! On Tuesday we visited Bardsey island with 3 Bardsey virgins – Mark Tozer, Jeff Cochrane & Pete Astles from Peak UK. The weather was quite kind to us and we enjoyed a fun trip & a warm cup of tea on the island with Jo & Ben Porter.
Fish and chips on the way home rounded off the day nicely. Yesterday Pete, Barry and I headed round the Stacks in less Summery conditions. Penrhyn Mawr was a bit messy and angry but we dabbled around towards the back of the race before heading along the cliffs towards South Stack in the mist. The southerly swell was funnelling straight into Parliament House Cave creating a sporty landing onto boulders that we braved due to our hunger!
Barry and I are trying out North Shore kayaks – the Atlantic and the Atlantic LV. So far, so good! They feel very positive and trustworthy! they have the added advantage of being significantly cheaper than most composite seakayaks.
Today I’m back at my desk and the sun in shining brightly outside! Typical!
Hi you two…sorry to miss you on Bardsey and to have missed Mark as well! Hopefully I’ll be here next time!…Steve