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PostHeaderIcon Kayaking From London to France — starting on Friday!

On Monday I went down to London to meet Sarah Outen‘s team who are helping her organise her upcoming mammoth adventure to row, bike and kayak around the world. I head back down to London tomorrow, but this time I’m taking my kayak. Sarah’s three year adventure all kicks off at 1pm this Friday 1st April at Tower Bridge. I’ll be joining her to kayak from London, down the river Thames and around the coast to Ramsgate or Dover, and then across the Channel. From there, she’s on her own for the next  5 months as she bikes across Europe and Russia. I’ll be joining her again in September to kayak from Russia to Japan.

If you are in London and want to see us off, we leave at 1pm from under Tower Bridge. We’ll be at HMS President before that, getting organized and Sarah will be hosting a press conference and speeches. That part isn’t open to the public but you can watch from the bridge or from the other side of the river. We plan to do a kayak lap under the bridge and round to the other side of the river before leaving.

I have been editing some videos for Sarah of her preparations over the last few months, including her picking up her Rockpool kayak from Anglesey, and kayak training in Menorca. You can see them on Sarah’s youtube channel.

Thanks to George Outen for the pictures.

3 Responses to “Kayaking From London to France — starting on Friday!”

  • Chris says:

    Good luck with your mega-adventure – wish it was me (sigh)- I can’t be there to wave you off BUT do have a most excellent adventure:-)

    Chris L

  • Kiko says:

    Here in Punta Arenas we are very attentive to your experience we know that this will be significant cross a success with Sarah Outen … good luck Justine & Sarah

  • Ingrid says:

    Watching with interest from Cape Town – can’t help feeling glad that Sarah will have some company for some of the way. Best of luck for crossing the channel.