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PostHeaderIcon The Wet & Salty Stuff

For various reasons, I’ve not been kayaking much lately so yesterday Barry & I accepted an invitation for a mid-week play at Penrhyn Mawr tidal race. After a spell of torrential rain & chilly days, Wednesday dawned sunny and relatively windless. Perfect for playing out! We arrived at the race just before mid-tide and maximum current flow, so Penrhyn Mawr was quite fast flowing to start with. If you failed to catch waves and surf forwards then you were soon swept backwards behind the fun waves and were forced to head sideways to the eddy to make your way up to the front again. After an hour the flow eased off a bit and the waves seemed to grow and take on more shape… the surfing was great fun – just what the doctor ordered.

It was sociable on the water. Axel & Karien were there enjoying their last day paddling in Wales, and BCU Level 5 coach Nick Cunliffe, Matt Gilblin & Ulirka Larsson were filming rescues and towing for their next instructional DVD. Barry was drafted in to do some rescuing. Rather him than me, I’m involved in filming often enough and I was enjoying playing this time! Remember we have copies of Nick’s instuctional DVD “Seakayak Essentials” in our Stores. It’s just £19.99 or US $35, with free postage.

This is a year of a lot of traveling for me, and tomorrow I head to Vancouver  (and thanks to a lift with John Gamba) onwards to Vancouver island. I’ll spend a month there, initially finishing the filming of an instructional rolling DVD that I’m making with Cheri Perry & Turner Wilson. Then I’ll join good friends Shawna Franklin & Leon Somme for 10 days of their leisurely circumnavigation of Vancouver island. Bring it on!

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