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PostHeaderIcon Rolling, rolling, rolling!

Sunny days, fine food & good company could sum up my first week on Vancouver island. In between working hard on filming and editing, it’s a great place to be. I’m based at Comox on the East coast finishing off the filming for an instructional rolling DVD that I’ve been making with Cheri Perry & Turner Wilson this year. We’ve already spent a couple of weeks filming in Wales & Scotland, aswell as getting some great clear underwater footage from Sicily last year. With another week to go filming on Vancouver island  so we are on the home straight. Well, it still feels like we have a lot to do but we’ve got a rough cut of about an hour so far which covers the standard Greenland layback roll in a lot of detail, aswell as some of the more advanced Greenland style rolls. Extras include a chapter demonstrating some stretching exercises to help with flexibility for rolling & a chapter on outfitting your kayak for rolling. We’re working on the forward finishing rolls right now.

I’m very grateful to the lovely Monica & Trevor Russell for hosting us all while we are here. Cheri and Turner have stayed with them before as they have run rolling classes in Comox for 3 years now, and have got to know Monica, Trevor and their 2 sons. We’ve all enjoyed delicious meals together every day- none yet prepared by me, as I’ve been glued to my computer quite a bit, editing things together. So big thanks to the Russells’ and Cheri for feeding me and for feeding me so well.

I have been on the water a few times – I had a go at some of the rolls one day, and went for a lovely local paddle with Monica, Trevor & Doug (followed by some rolling practice …. they LOVE their rolling here!).

The rolling DVD will be released in November this year and will be called….. you might have guessed……..


More details will be given out over the next couple of months.

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