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PostHeaderIcon Skerries the hard way

OK, that title is a bit overdramatic! We paddled to the Skerries on Saturday against the tide, but it wasn’t that difficult on a fairly small tidal range!

The sun shone as we hugged the shore from Cemlyn to Carmel Head. I always enjoy ferry gliding across from Carmel Head. The varying depths mean that the speed of the tide & sea state change in strips, like lanes. One minute the sea was gently rolling underneath us and the next minute we’re in confused breaking waves behind the Platters (but in less tide). A southeasterly wind was kicking up the waves close to the Skerries and a healthy swell made it quite sporty paddling around the top of the island against the tide. We couldn’t get too close due to the waves smashing onto the rocks.

There were a few seal pups on the island so we landed on some rocks away from the beaches and huddled under our Hilleberg windsack out of the wind. We headed back via West Mouse and finished off with a few rolls in Cemlyn bay!

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