Hoping for less wind
Day 35, Day 10 from Punta Arenas – Friday 24 February.
6.48am: It’s rainy and cold this morning. We hope the wind is not as strong as it has been!
4.00pm S54.41 W71.44.3: Someone is having a laugh with us today. We started heading south east and along came a rare south, south easterly wind! It was only force 2 to 3 but we were denied the following sea that we dreamt of! We covered 18 nautical miles, headed into a narrow gap between two islands and found a 300 metre portage at the far end. We are camping here and will leave at high water early tomorrow morning.
Happy Birthday to Barry’s Mum and son, Adam.
7.08pm: Stop press! The sun came out and it’s a beautiful evening. A humming bird and a kingfisher are here too!