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PostHeaderIcon Another day in paradise

Beautiful Lava coveWe are still at our lovely beach at Lava Cove. Our neighbors the white caps were joined today by 2 fat sea lions who spent most of the day plonked on the other end of the beach, stirring only to scratch an ear with a flipper or pick a short fight with each other. At one point an eagle flew over scanning the sea for fish and I got a photo with the eagle and sea lions in the same shot. Since I had to point out the tiny dot that was the eagle to Sarah, I don’t think it’s going to be an award winning photo!

Today we mostly relaxed in the sun, and of course ate. Sarah rustled up some powdered mashed potato into potato cakes for lunch which were particularly yummy. As was the hot chocolate we made by melting a bar of chocolate into some powdered milk. It seems we have more bars of chocolate than we have chocolate powder! All this elaborate camping food might seem excessive to some but why not bring some delicious things along instead of all dehydrated meals? Food is our engine and it’s also a great morale booster and an activity on a day off paddling.

I haven’t seen tonight’s forecast from Karel at yet but if it’s the same as last nights then Saturday looks good for our next crossing. For now, in curling up with “where the sea breaks it’s back” , an excellent book that Michael Livingston sent to Sarah about the naturalist Georg Steller’s role in the exploration of Alaska.

To see our progress and follow our tracker visit Sarahs page here

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