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PostHeaderIcon Biggest crossing of the trip- tick!

Amukta volcano peeping out through the mist
A very tired but happy yeah from Amukta island. Today ( or rather yesterday at just before midnight) Sarah and I landed on a boulder beach in the dark after a 47 nautical mile paddle across Amukta pass, the biggest crossing of our Aleutian Adventure. The pass itself was 37 miles with a bit of extra paddling from and to beaches. It’s now 2am and we’ve just finished putting the tent up, cooking dinner etc. We were 16 hours in the kayaks, long enough that it still feels like the ground is swaying under me. We had great conditions for the crossing, light winds that were mostly helpful and currents which didn’t do anything predictable but which were overall more help than hindrance. That was all after breakfast on the Tiglax fish and wildlife ship who came along to say Hi. I’ll write more tomorrow. .. After a long sleep!

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