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PostHeaderIcon magic day

Beautiful giant waterfall at Skiff coveYesterday we landed in the drizzle and mist which enveloped us for the rest of the damp evening. It was a fine, invisible rain that wets everything. Despite an earlier finish than usual we spent ages getting a fire going with damp wood and grass. We did botch a repair on the stove and it works but we’re quite fond of fires now and make at one most campsites, especially if we have a day off.

It was great to wake up to a bright morning with no rain. We woke and cooked our second fish on the fire then took a gorgeous wall up to the waterfall which topples over a lava flow. It’s about 10 metres wide and falls maybe 50 metres or more, shooting out spray and rainbows. Sarah was the first to strip off and take a wash in the river assuring me that it was refreshing and invigorating. It certainly was invigorating as it’s basically snow melt. It was type 2 fun for me, i.e. I enjoyed it afterwards- possibly like the tidal races for Sarah?

Throughout the day, gradually the clouds lifted and the sun appeared. The sharp snowy peaks of nearby islands slowly peaked out of their veils and then shed them all together, making an impressive picture. On such a gorgeous day, the islands of the 4 mountains is a spiritual place and it feels sad to leave it soon. However tomorrow’s forecast is good- SE winds up to 5 knots so we need to take our chances when we get them. We plan to get up at first light and head East about 35 miles to Nikolski. If we end up being taken South by the tide then we’ll hit land sooner and either make our way up the coast to Nikolski or camp somewhere and head there on Monday. Sarah will have the tracker on hourly updates from about 6am our time (3pm BST). See her website

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