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“Splat”, the unseen bird flew off the rock, leaving his gift as he went. I was on my way to the tide line to leave my own morning offering and now I had three white circles on my thermals adding to the other pungent smells. It felt like a blob landed on my forehead too so i washed my face in the sea just in case.

Someone once told me that being pooed on is lucky. I’m not sure I’d go that far but we did make it across the notoriously windy Puale bay today. We had a light headwind all day. It was a bit annoying and it slowed us down a bit but perhaps the now familiar headwind was better than the recent NW wind tunnels because it let us across a crux Bay. We just covered 17 miles today, partly because we had a late start due to glueing Sarah’s kayak together late last night. I’m pleased to report that Krissy stayed in one piece today and is looking good for the last 200 miles or so.

We hugged a spectacular cliffy coastline this morning, serenaded by a choir of kittiwakes and murres perched in tight formation on tiny ledges hundreds of feet above us. The brown rock was too steep and too prone to rockfalls to allow any grass to take purchase and was weathered and cracked like an elephants wissened hide.

Now we’re camped on a lovely tombola looking at the mountains of Kodiak Island on one side. Only about 30 miles away they are glowing pink in the last of the sun. On the other side is the dark silhouette of the mountains we paddled past today. The wind had totally dropped and we are both lingering outside enjoying a beautiful evening instead of getting to bed early.

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