On Tour & Great reviews
The sun is shining in Chicago – I like to think I brought it with me from the West coast 😉
I’m 3 weeks in to a North American tour with the “Kayaking the Aleutians”. Time has flown by with visits to the Toronto Outdoor Show, Deep Cove Outdoor’s in Vancouver, Ocean River Sports in Victoria & The Mountaineers in Seattle. My hair was authentically wet and salty for a presentation at San Francisco’s Bay Centre after I got the chance to paddle from Rodeo Beach to Point Bonita with Sean & Gina Morley and friends. Sean had allowed time to paddle and eat, but not to shower – good priorities I think!
I was treated like a princess with a house overlooking Trinidad harbour on one side and Trinidad’s surf beach on the other side at the first US Storm Gathering organised by Greenland or Bust. The hot tub with the same view and the delicious fresh & local organic food set the tone for a great 3 day event where I was able to paddle with happy paddlers including Nigel Foster, Bryant Burkhardt, Jeff Laxier, Roger Schuman & Bill Vonnegut. Bryant has written about the event here. And Paul Kuthe wrote a blog for Kokatat here. There was a flare shoot off organised by the coast guard, a helicopter rescue demonstration, free beer from Kokatat & Thule which may have helped my presentation about my Aleutians adventure go down well! I also got the chance to look around the Kokatat factory and was impressed by how many people are employed there making the kit that I trust and love.
The Clinton Theatre’s claim to fame is that it’s been showing “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” since 1978. Last week the Portland venue also hosted ‘Kayaking the Aleutians’. I’ve seen one of my films up in lights a few times before and it’s always really exciting. Thanks to Seth for driving us from Trinidad to Portland and then up to Orcas island where I enjoyed a day catching up with great friends at Body Boat Blade.

Shawna & Leon’s kitten join us for a cook out!
The world’s largest paddlesports show, Canoecopia lived up to it’s name last weekend with 3 busy days with thousands of paddlers heading to Wisconsin to get excited about the ice melting and upcoming paddling adventures.
I’m on a road trip with James & Dympna from Ontario Sea Kayak Centre for the next week, showing ‘Kayaking the Aleutians’ and James’ film about going to Greenland to compete in the Greenland Kayak Championships and learn about the culture. Both films have won 3 awards now so it’s sure to be a great night of entertainment and fun.
Check out the tour schedule here.
We’ve seen lots of great reviews of “Kayaking the Aleutians” on the internet and magazines. Do a search or look out for a later blog listing the ones we have found.