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Archive for the ‘kayaking’ Category

PostHeaderIcon on our way

We are on our way! JF and I are in transit to Ottawa for a few days with all of our luggage for our month-long kayaking #Tongait expedition.
Thanks so much to all of our sponsors for great gear #wernerpaddles #fjallraven #hilleberg #sealline @icommarine @sealsskirts @loksak_inc @hornbyorganic @thermarest @northwater1 #borealdesignkayaks #msr_gear #kokatatusa

PostHeaderIcon Heading to the Arctic!!

Jf and I are making our way to the Canadian Arctic for our Tongait expedition in Ungava Bay and Labrador. I’m just testing to see if I can still send blog updates by email. I’m getting excited!

PostHeaderIcon Canada

It’s very overdue to say that I am now living in Canada, on the West coast of Vancouver island and enjoying having wilderness on my doorstep! The nearest surf beach is 15 mins drive away and it’s possible to go on a multi-day kayak trip, departing from a beach which is about 3 minutes walk from my house. There are nearby mountains to hike up, fish to be caught from our kayaks and miles of wilderness inhabited by bears, wolves and cougars.


PostHeaderIcon Test for blog

Test for blog…