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PostHeaderIcon Dog Mushing meets Canoeing

I recently received a copy of “Mushing“, the magazine of dog powered adventure. The publishers, Greg & Jane Sellentin, are not only into dog mushing, they are also keen paddlers. They told me they are “really big fans” of my DVDs and found out about Erik Simlua’s incredible 1,000 mile birchbark canoe journey when they bought a copy of “This is Canoeing“. Since Erik took his sled dog, Kitigan, with him on his  voyage, they asked Erik to write a story for them about the journey.

I think most people who enjoy activities like kayaking, canoeing, walking, climbing, biking, dog sledding etc share a love of the outdoors. I really enjoy hearing about other people’s adventures – whatever unmechanical means of transport they use! Thanks to Mushing for the magazine.  Go to their website to read some of their online articles or buy a copy of the magazine. Visit Erik’s website to read more about the journey. Or if you want to see the  birchbark canoe adventure on film, then you can buy a copy of ‘This is Canoeing” from you local outdoor shop, or from the Cackle TV webstore.